The imprint of time

The imprint of time

We leave our mark with every step we take. Others left theirs earlier. But stepping on what has been done does not mean erasing the traces of the past. On the contrary, it means respecting the trajectory of these vines, with their history, their historical roads, their Arab conquests and Christian re-conquests. Everything that made these vines what they are today. With our work, stepping on the ground every day, we honor these historical plots. Vineyards that keep their secrets all year round reveal everything each fall in the grape harvest.

The memory of who we are

The memory of who we are

There is little more enriching than traveling to other worlds. Sometimes a simple scent is enough to transport us to our childhood, to our grandparents’ house, to the schoolyard or to our first kiss. It is the magic of sensations, which bring infinite ideas and feelings together in our brain; smells and flavors that give our mind a wonderful walk. A range of perceptions that release our senses and make us travel through our memories, until a unique moment. That is the magic of a good book.
And, of course, a good wine.

Rough hands like the earth

Rough hands like the earth

Esparto grass, like our vineyard, grows in these arid and rugged landscapes. In places where other plants would have a very difficult time surviving, they adapt to the environment and manage to be useful to our people. Our landscapes are dressed in pines, rosemary and thyme, the quintessential peninsula. This natural environment is what contributes its personality to our wines, affixers of essences, nuances and flavors reflecting our environment. A wine created by hand, thanks to the knowledge transmitted from parents to children for many generations.
What would become of us if our vines were abandoned due to their low productivity? Some call us romantics, but we believe that we are simply children of our land and our past.

The art of conquering

The art of conquering

When we travel, we are surprised by smells, colors, or the texture of a sunset. A calm glance at the horizon reveals a multitude of sensations and emotions, sheltered from a history that watches us. Uncovering it, we become part of it. We explore corners; we discover its popular culture and its people. We conquer glances, which will remain engraved on our retina forever. For an instant, the world stops as we savor the moment. Perhaps that is the key that we sometimes forget; knowing how to savor every moment.

The greatness of small moments

The greatness of small moments

A relaxed conversation, a knowing look. The sound of birds hovering and whistling. The sun making its way through the branches of the trees to warm our skin. Maybe a guitar scratching a chord. Bare feet caressing the grass, and the feeling that what matters is not so much the magic of the place, but the taste of good company. Small moments, which are undoubtedly very big.

The art of making wine

The art of making wine

Stir emotions. That is the goal of art. Whether on canvas, in a musical composition, or in a bottle of wine, the artist’s goal is to transmit. To connect with our feelings, our desires, our joys and our memories. The moment to savor a good wine while releasing our interior. The small ecstasy when savoring good work.

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